Papers submitted to WIA²MIS 2013 should conform to the IEEE style guidelines (please use the templates provided in the Author’s Kit below). Additionally, authors should take into account the following guidelines:
- All the contributions must be written in English.
- The maximum length for each paper is 4 (four) pages. This includes all the content (figures, tables, references, results, etc.).
- The papers have to be formatted according to the guidelines specified in the template files provided in the Author Kit below.
- All papers must be submitted as PDFs only (see the corresponding section below).
- Failure to meet the formatting requirements stated in this page and in the linked guideline documents could result in your paper not being included in the workshop proceedings.
Author’s kit
Please, refer to the following when preparing your paper for submission:
PDF files
All submissions should be in the PDF file format. For MS Windows users, PDF Creator is a free virtual printer for the creation of a PDF file from virtually every program. LaTeX users can create PDF files using pdflatex. A number of virtual printers are available for Linux systems as well. On Linux systems, PDF files can be obtained from PS ones using the command-line tool ps2pdf.
Please follow the IEEE guidelines on the creation of PDF files suitable for the inclusion in IEEEXplore (particularly referring to the section 3.1 of this document). Make sure to embed all the fonts that are used in the document in your camera-ready version.
Online paper submission
Papers must be submitted by following this link.
Papers submitted to one of the special sessions will undergo the same reviewing process as regular papers. Authors submitting a proposal to one of these sessions must make sure to select it as a primary subject area during the submission process.